UK Registered Charity Number 1165906
Welcome to Green Olive Trust UK
A small UK based charity working with our Kenyan partners to fund education for young people in poverty in rural Kenya
UK Registered Charity Number 1165906
A small UK based charity working with our Kenyan partners to fund education for young people in poverty in rural Kenya
With great sadness, the Trustees of Green Olive Trust (GOT) have decided that it is in the best interest of the Charity to close at the end of 2025.
We have unanimously come to this position with reluctance, and after much debate. The age and health profile of all of Trustees means that various tasks deemed necessary, including travel to Kenya for liaison, are becoming too difficult to manage. We have tried to recruit new Trustees since the pandemic, but this has not proven possible.
Anticipating this possible position, Green Olive Trust has not taken on any new Project work or, in recent months, the sponsorship of any new students. We continue to sponsor 9 students, 5 at University and 4 at High School. These young people's courses will come to an end at different points between the end of 2025 and early 2028. It is our objective as Trustees to raise sufficient funds before we close to enable all of these students to complete their courses. Such monies will be sent to Kenya and distributed by our partner Organisation Green Olive Foundation, Kenya.
We want to thank all of our supporters and donors who have enabled Green Olive Trust UK to sponsor well over 60 High School and University Students over the past 10 years. These young people have gone from strength to strength and have made profound positive impacts upon the impoverished area where they grew up. We regularly receive news updates from past students, who are pursuing interesting and worthwhile careers.
Green Olive Trust can also celebrate having been able to grant fund a Greenhouse Education Project and also the re-building of a Primary School. Further details of these completed projects can also be found here on our website.
Trustees have created a Timeline to ensure that the tasks necessary to close the charity are completed in a timely manner. With this in mind, we are asking that, should you wish to make any Final Donation, this is done by the end of July 2025.
We are aware that this news may come as a shock to people who have followed the work of Green Olive Trust over the years. We thank you once again for your support and will be extremely grateful for any further contributions over the difficult months ahead.
In Friendship, Trustees of Green Olive Trust UK
Ken Bartlett, Tessa Brown, Bob Harwood, Bronwyn Harwood, Gina Hutchins, Fiona Roberts
A huge thank you to everyone who came along to enjoy our fabulously uplifting day of singing at the Barcombe "Come and Sing" event on 9th March. Forty people attended the workshop, learning new songs to sing together.
A huge £1,490 was raised and donated to Green Olive Trust by this event alone.
We are very grateful to Angela Spencer from the Lewes Singing Circle for organising and running the day.
At Green Olive Trust UK our mission is to help relieve poverty in the Kakamega area of Western Kenya by funding education and training. Take a look at our Education Bursaries page here to find out more.
Our aim is to provide bursaries to as many high school, college and university students as we can - but we can only continue this work with the help of donors, which is why we are asking for your help.
Please consider making a donation - see how you can donate and how your gift will make a difference here.
Kakamega is a very poor region of Kenya, with extreme hardship and poverty, high unemployment, and poor access to education, public services, and health care.
The region suffered badly from the Covid 19 epidemic. The catastrophic effects of climate change bring both flooding and drought, devastating farming and the local economy.
In Kenya, public funding for children's education when they leave primary school is not guaranteed. Many families cannot afford to send their children to high school, college or university and a lot of potential is unmet.
The children and young people we support at Green Olive Trust UK are from very poor backgrounds, but they all have high aspirations and want to learn. With Green Olive bursaries they are able to gain the education that they deserve, reach their potential and achieve their ambitions.
We work closely with our partner organisation, the Green Olive Foundation in Kenya, to ensure that the money that we raise in the UK goes directly towards funding the education of local children and young people in the greatest need.
We believe that sustainable change starts with empowering young people through supporting their education. Not only does this help to lift the young person out of poverty, but it also has a wider, positive impact on their family and their community.
Many of our past students contribute to their local communities by volunteering to help those in need, or helping others through their work and their professional lives. Some former students are actively involved with the work of Green Olive Foundation, Kenya.
Our Bursary graduates have gone on to achieve success in a range of work areas and professions. Our former students include a doctor, a pharmacist, a teacher, a lawyer, a TV journalist, and an agronomist.
You can find out more about our graduates and hear some of their inspirational stories here.
Watch Michael's amazing video to see how Green Olive support has transformed the life of one young person from Kakamega.
The UK based Green Olive Trust charity was set up in 2013 following a visit to the Kakamega area by some of our trustees who witnessed first-hand the dire need for funds for education for local children and young people.
A lot of good work was already going on locally to support young people to access an education, driven by many of the people who later went on to start up the Green Olive Foundation, Kenya.
But funding this work locally was proving very challenging. The UK visitors were approached and asked if there might be financial help available from the UK.
The founding UK trustees could see how education was a pathway out of poverty and they set up the UK charity as a way of directing more funds to our Kenyan partners.
Since then Green Olive Trust UK has funded over 60 bursaries to enable young people to gain an education and find a pathway to a better life.
As well as providing educational bursaries, Green Olive Trust has recently supported two very successful projects in the region.
The Primary School Project
We received funding from the Kitchen Table Trust to partially rebuild a local primary school that was in such a poor state of repair that it was in danger of being closed down. The newly refurbished school is so popular that it is now oversubscribed! Find out more here.
The Greenhouse Project
Green Olive Trust received funding from Quaker Peace and Social Witness (QPSW) for the construction and running costs of three large greenhouses. They were built on land that was no longer fit for traditional farming as a result of climate change.
So far, 15 young farmers have been trained to use this sustainable farming technique, gaining a new life skill, and a way out of poverty. The greenhouses are now self-financing, and the hope is that many more young people in the area will learn about greenhouse farming in the future. Read all about the Greenhouse Project here.
Trustees were pleased to meet up with donors and friends of the trust in Lewes in July 2024 when we:
We had hoped to welcome Dr Oscar Shamalla from Green Olive Foundation Kenya to join us for this celebration. Unfortunately, Oscar was unsuccessful in his application for a visa to visit the UK so, sadly he was not be able to join us in person.
We were, however, delighted that Oscar could join the celebration via Zoom. He was able to thank the friends of the charity for their support and funding, and personally convey the need for the funding to continue to support various educational programmes in Kakamega. He was also pleased to give a first hand recount of the enormous benefits that Green Olive funds have brought to young learners, and the whole community over the past 10 years.
We look forward to a time when Oscar is able to visit the UK, as everyone attending the event found his input extremely informative and enlightening.
If you want to find out how your donation can make a huge difference, then please get in touch and donate today.
Please support the work of Green Olive by buying our exclusive notelets/greeting cards:
‘Peace’ and ‘Peace and Hope’
Both designs are printed from stunning original watercolours by local artist Beryl Round. These cards are blank on the inside, so are perfect as notelets as well as greetings cards.
Packs of 10 cost £5 - payment by cash or cheque made payable to Green Olive Trust UK. For enquiries and orders please contact:
Cards can be collected by arrangement from the Quaker Meeting House, Friars Walk, Lewes, or there will be an additional charge for postage.
If you have any questions about our charity work in Kakamega, or you want to find out how you can get involved, then please get in touch.
You can subscribe to our newsletter here to receive the latest news, announcements and updates.
Green Olive Trust UK Reg. Charity Number 1165906